Monday, September 19, 2011

Inspiration,Motivation or Good vibe's?

I have always wondered how the rich and the famous have kept themselves inspired or motivated. Or is it simply a case of having those good "vibes"?

I am finding difficult to find inspiration for myself and my team to grow and get stronger but I have plenty motivation for myself to grow and achieve larger goals. I do know that I generally have a good "vibe" when something feels like it is moving in the right direction.

Right about now my team's inactivity I feel was due to restrictions. I have changed that recently and I feel that this might give us what we need in order to get the wheels in motion again. Time will only tell as they say. :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving on?

The question of late I have been asking myself is it time to move onto something new. With Dota 2 coming in the near future and my clan being fairly in active I am asking myself should I be looking for a new clan.

I have made some really good friends and have been able to generate some great activity with the guys I have been involved with but alas we have slowly but surely become less and less active. It has become increasingly frustrating as I know that we need to be more active but no one is listening.

Soon our clan will disband if it goes on at this rate. Something I don't want to happen, yet it will most likely do so.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life and Changes in it

As our clan has grown we have also become more volatile. We had some in fighting and have lost 1 great player because of it. It is my fault as I know I am a harsh Captain. In the mean time I have been struggling to find a replacement, mainly because I haven't been as active as I used to be. Some it was my moving house, some of it was because I had new lady around for a while.

Now she has removed herself from the picture and I am a little demotivated, which is unusual for me. I usually have a self motivating personality and can pick myself up pretty quickly. I know will get over it but it was a part of my life that was interesting and a lot of fun. Now I need to refocus myself and get back to basics.

Anyways hopefully will be able to pick up a new recruit for our team soon and allow us to once again enter into competitions as I feel we are not growing and being active at the moment. So check ya later.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dota and It's ever changing format

I just got to read a pretty insightful blog on gosugamers that went into detail of the recent changes and how they can impact the current metagame of the Dota competitive scene.

The main reason I have been a stalwart follower of Dota is the fact that the creator's of dota have always evolved the game and made changes to make the game interesting and allow for more dynamics and strategies. It never seems to stop changing and I would never want it to. The dota scene has always been great for me and it has always allowed me to see personal growth in a different light.

People never see the gaming scene as a positive effect on people but over the years I have seen it change people for both the good and bad. People change but I the game has stayed dynamic and insightful. I have always been impressed at how much we can learn about ourselves when take a stand want to be the best.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Twilight League Season 5

So after a month of swiss style competition and competitiveness our clan did amazing well for it's first major comp against the better teams out there.

We still have a lot of space to grow but I couldn't be happier with the results and the boys as we made a massive effort in achieving these results as fast as we did.

The top 4 teams are going to play a knock out stage to see who is the best of the best! Looking forward to seeing the results from these games.

Keep it up gents!

Final Swiss Rankings
1 : BASH
2 : tF.
3 : mmK
4 : Boo
5 : prpr
6 : d0a
7 : eG
: LSeX
9 : min
10 : OoD
11 : zz
12 : -PsY-
13 : dot
: m.C
15 : JIMP
16 : BoKs
17 : b2o

Friday, May 6, 2011

PsY Take 3rd at Mayhem

We had entered a local lan competition of which 7 teams had joined the event. The organisers made the event a round robin system with with the top 4 teams doing a semi-finals and finals games afterwards.

Here are the top 4 teams as per the event and their standings after all match's were played.

Clan eG - 1st Place
Clan DuC - 2nd Place
Clan PsY - 3rd Place
Clan b2F - 4th Place

It was a great event with some very interesting battles and strats. Big shout to the top 4 teams and for the games, they were well worth it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Clan -PsY- came second at the MSSA gauteng provincial event.

A total of 4 teams entered the gaming even which was round robing event. We played each game with a lot of skill and effort but came out second best to a more experienced and capable Clan DUC.

The first game was against Pro NHS, a team from Northcliff high. Team NHS made some really good hero choices that in general combo very well but was really weak to the current International style of play of doing a trilane. We focused a lot on overpowering, harassing and ganging their high damage hero's which allowed us to easily farm up our core players and making it easy for us to play push mid game. We won in convincing format but it was a great lesson and allowed us to try out a strat.

The second game was played against DB also a high school team that picked general over powering hero's that had no combining capabilities. Although their players were very skilled, they couldn't compete against a superior strat and hero combination that allowed us to finish the game in convincing fashion.

The 3rd game was played against DUC who has played together for 4 years and is considered one of the better clans in SA at this time. Their game knowledge and style of play has been proven in numerous occasions and was our biggest challange to face. We tried going for an early game ganging trilane with some nice combo hero's but was easily counterd by a very good strat from DUC. Their game was to focus on mid to late game and chose hero's to be able to farm and do massive disruptions to our combo. Looking back our hero combo was easily countered by a Tidehunter and heal combo by dazzle. Their team was able to win a very convincing match which was well faught from our side but lost to superior knowledge. We learn't a lot from that game.

Thanks to my fellow team members and for their hard work and effort and I look forward to competing with you guys again.

-PsY- Naughty
-PsY- Nus
-PsY- Blade
-PsY- Sephi